Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Carbon foot print

It is all known to us that human being have a major effect on our planet, in which individuals, organizations, and nations all included in this effectiveness. Especially in the last 150 years it was accelerated very sharply and nations start to reduce and rectify that effectiveness. However before going forward to rectify the environmental effect problem, the human impact should be calculated and ranked to create and make an effective strategy. Due to this a new definition was created called Carbon Footprint that can be defined as the measure of human impact has on the environment, and in particular climate change.

Due to the large amount of activities that human effect the environment with, the human activity was categorized in two parts, Primary and Secondary footprint. This will ease the calculation of carbon footprint and the sum of the two will be the total result of impact. To clarify, the Primary footprint measures directly the emission of gases from industrial areas (Electricity, refineries, car manufactures, and more) and transportation, where as the secondary will calculate the individual production of these emissions. This measurement is considered to be a rough calculation; however it can tell us our location in that effect on environment.

By focusing on the score I got from these web sites and I have answered about my life activities which guide to know my carbon footprint. I got an average of sw2.68. My classmate Abood got 2.28 to be the 2nd, in the 3rd place Hadi Abdulla with score of 1.68, Sultan Al Shamsi is the 4th and he got 1.48. These high ranks in recorded in the UAE because lake of knowledge about the consequences of carbon on our global. That why our country has poor reputation. So, here are some tips to shrink the amount of carbon footprint. First of all, recycling. To clarify, recycling waste papers and plastics and also buying recycled items. Another factor to take in consider is planting trees. To illustrate, planting trees can reduce the amount of carbon because of plants need of carbon for life cycle. Another factor yet is reducing electrical usage. For instance, decreasing of the air conditioners usage can reduce carbon footprint. Final point to conceder is using energy efficient product. To clarify, buy energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. As the website stated that saving energy is the main point. For example, switch off all devices (reduce your carbon footprint3).

In conclusion, we can’t leave the concern of our environment only on our government or environmental organizations, so we should join hands with each other for better and healthy life for our children and future of the planet earth because we are all part of this world.

Monday, April 13, 2009

"An Inconvenient Truth " Reviews

An Inconvenient Truth movie, presented by Al Gore a Vise President of Clinton administrative talked about the world approaching the global warming and the effects of it. Several critics and praised the movie’s aim so let me outline these arguments for and against this movie.

The criticisms against An Inconvenient Truth movie was the unnecessary details that been stated by Al Gore let the audience to be engaged and feel bored. Also, due to the usage of too many scientific phrases it feels boring. Another criticism Al Gore said that human being is the main cause of global warming but without any evidence of that (Medley). In addition due to the scientific subject that Al Gore presented, it was not convenient for the movie to talk about his personal life, wife, sister and his child in the movie (Medley).

However other praise Al Gore’s movie as a good presenter that makes the movie more interesting. In which, treating his listeners like adult and his enthusiastic manner (Ebert).Al Gore’s used charts, statistic and scientists studies that helped that the danger of global warming could be understood from elders to young people.

In my opinion, the movie gives a clear massege about our destiny on this earth and its future even if we refuse all what is presented by Al Gore.


Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." 30 Mar. 2009 .

Medley, Tony. "An Inconvenient Truth." 12 May 2006. 30 Mar. 2009 .

An Inconvenient Truth: "Summary"

Al Gore, the host, was the vice president of the USA in the Clinton administration. He has been interested in climate change issues since grade school and has continued to take interest in this subject as a politician. In this documentary, he highlights some very important points regarding global warming in his discussion. We will take a look at some of these.

Some very important effects include illustrations of the impact of global warming. He does this by first pointing out the relationship between the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and the corresponding temperature over a 650,000 years period. For example, he showed some pictures of the ice melted in Kilimanjaro Mountain in Africa. Then he focused about the increase of the ocean Temperature that led to many Hurricanes and Tornadoes. For instance, in September 2004 Florida has faced a very bad hurricane which called Ivan. After that he talked about the sea ice extent dropped by 1.5 million km2 since 1970.To clarify, Ice caps melts as the surrounding water gets warmer this devastated the ice species such as polar bears. He also showed a trend of ten hottest years recorded in 14 years period .To illustrate ,In 2003 the temperature in India raised to about 122 degrees c and 1400 people died.

To sum up, Al Gore says that although the situation regarding global warming appears dire, he does speak fervently looking forward to the future with hope. His presentation concludes with parting nuggets of practical advice as to how man can play a role in curbing climate change.