The criticisms against An Inconvenient Truth movie was the unnecessary details that been stated by Al Gore let the audience to be engaged and feel bored. Also, due to the usage of too many scientific phrases it feels boring. Another criticism Al Gore said that human being is the main cause of global warming but without any evidence of that (Medley). In addition due to the scientific subject that Al Gore presented, it was not convenient for the movie to talk about his personal life, wife, sister and his child in the movie (Medley).
However other praise Al Gore’s movie as a good presenter that makes the movie more interesting. In which, treating his listeners like adult and his enthusiastic manner (Ebert).Al Gore’s used charts, statistic and scientists studies that helped that the danger of global warming could be understood from elders to young people.
In my opinion, the movie gives a clear massege about our destiny on this earth and its future even if we refuse all what is presented by Al Gore.
Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." 30 Mar. 2009
Medley, Tony. "An Inconvenient Truth." 12 May 2006. 30 Mar. 2009
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